2ND ACT: Bob Sagendorf and Mollie the Collie

Bob Sagendorf, a seasoned broadcaster both locally (14-NVR in Naugatuck, CT) and in New York City (WCBS -FM radio), was a major part of the team that created and launched the ESPN Radio Sports Network.
Bob was well known as a consummate professional both in front of and behind the microphone, with a commanding baritone voice. He remained in the broadcast world as both News and Sports Director for WATR radio in Waterbury until the unthinkable happened: Bob received a diagnosis of a rare benign brain tumor in a never-before-seen location. The remediation of that tumor, while successful, led to a loss of voice and 90 percent of hearing. Bob had to relearn how to speak, then went on to defeat stage 3 prostate cancer.
He chose to turn his devastating experiences — not only his own medical problems, but also the neurodivergent diagnosis of his beloved granddaughter Maggie — into a blessing. Bob and his wife Jan committed to raising and training a Rough-Coat Collie, Mollie, to be a therapy dog for autistic children and children with cancer. Bob’s story is a 2ND ACT that says a resounding yes to using one’s time along with newly discovered talents and resources to make a difference despite challenges!